VISITORS - COVID19 SELF CERTIFICATION VISITORS - COVID19 SELF CERTIFICATION Electrification Construction Services Ltd Unit 9, Wheelock Heath Business Court Alsager Road Wheelock Cheshire CW11 4RQ Vistors COVID-19 Operative Self-Declaration Questionnaire The health and safety of our employees and contractors, clients, families and visitors remain the top priority of Electrification Construction services Ltd. As the Coronavirus situation continues to evolve globally, we’re asking you to complete this questionnaire to help prevent the spread of or exposure to COVID-19, This is a company requirement to be filled in prior to entering our premises. If you answer “YES” to any questions, we respectfully request you do not enter the building, you are required to seek medical advice and follow self-isolation procedures. If you answer “NO” to these questions you can proceed with your visit. Whilst you are on our site, we ask you to exercise safe social distancing guidelines, avoid handshakes and abide by current health guidelines to frequently and thoroughly wash your hands-on arrival and departure (if possible) We have stocks of hand sanitiser on reception, please ensure that you use it. VISITOR INFORMATION Date of Visit * Your Name * Mobile or Home Phone Number * Who Are You? * I work for Electrification Construction Services Ltd (ECS)I am a Visitor to Electrification Construction Services Ltd (ECS) Enter The Name Of Your Company * Company Division * OHL Construction DivisionIsolations DivisionWelding DivisionDe Vegetation DivisionPlant / Transport DivisionSupport Services Next