Safety Bulletin - RoLE Reminder

    RoLE Reminder

    As we near the RoLE compliance date, please take a few minutes to read this again.

    I am really keen that you know what you should get from your Form C briefing and that you ask the briefer questions if you don’t understand.

    Take the time to make sure you understand your safe working limits before you start work. Use the worksafe procedure if something isn’t right.Do you remember this safety bulletin from July?

    As we near the RoLE compliance date, please take a few minutes to read this again.

    I am really keen that you know what you should get from your Form C briefing and that you ask the briefer questions if you don’t understand.

    Take the time to make sure you understand your safe working limits before you start work. Use the worksafe procedure if something isn’t right.

    Using Reminder of Live Exposed Equipment (RoLE Equipment)


    Following the recent safety alert (NRX21-09) which reported on a person coming into contact with live overhead line equipment, an immediate action has been identified.

    The use of Reminder of Live Exposed (RoLE) equipment will be mandated by 19th November 2021 under standard NR/L3/ELP/29987, Working on or about 25kV A.C. Electrified Lines.

    Reminder of Live Exposed (RoLE) equipment will help to improve electrical safety.

    In preparation for this change a briefing has been produced for Nominated and Authorised Persons.

    The briefing material will be provided to Network Rail and contractor organisations to brief and upskill staff in the safe use of Reminder of Live Exposed (RoLE) equipment, including:

  • Where and how to install RoLE equipment
  • How to select the correct piece of RoLE equipment based on the type of work being undertaken
  • How to brief personnel on the presence of RoLE equipment and actions to be taken as a result of its use.
  • When you see RoLE Equipment it is time to STOP, THINK and CHECK your Overhead Line Permit as you may be approaching your safe working limits or a residual electrical hazard!

    A designated briefer will brief you if you hold the Nominated or Authorised Person competence.

    On successful completion of this briefing you will receive a temporary card.

    The card will be replaced with a formal competence on your Sentinel profile RoLE equipment is in use on some sites now and is gradually being introduced across the network with a mandatory compliance date of 19th November 2021.

    Where RoLE equipment is being used, it will be identified on your Overhead Line Permit (Form C) All holders of PTS (AC) and COSS (OLP) are reminded that:

  • You must receive a briefing of the safe working limits of your Overhead Line Permit (Form C) prior to starting work.
  • You must receive a briefing of any residual electrical hazards present within the safe working limits of your Overhead Line Permit (Form C).
  • If you don’t understand your safe working limits or residual electrical hazards, you must challenge the Nominated Person or COSS (OLP) delivering the briefing.
  • Network Rail will be undertaking sample assurance checks to ensure that this bulletin has been briefed to all PTS (AC) holders.


    The use of Reminder of Live Exposed (RoLE) equipment will be mandated by Network Rail on staff and contractors for all OLE isolations to improve electrical safety by 19th November 2021.

    RoLE equipment (previously known as Demarcation Equipment) may be in use in some areas today.

    Do not expect to see RoLE equipment unless you have been briefed that it is in use by your Nominated Person/COSS (OLP).

    Your safe working limits will always be documented on your Overhead Line Permit (Form C) RoLE Equipment is an additional reminder to STOP, THINK and CHECK the detail on your Overhead Line Permit (Form C)

    The Worksafe procedure should always be used if you feel safety is compromised. It is an opportunity stop work, review any safety concerns and restart the work as soon as an agreement is reached. In most cases this will only take a few minutes.

    Do you always fully understand the safe working limits on your Overhead Line Permit (Form C)?

    Do you know what a Residual Electrical Hazard is and the actions that should be taken as a result?

    What would you do if you felt your brief regarding the contents of the Overhead Line Permit (Form C) was unclear or incomplete?

    How would you check the safe working limits of your Overhead Line Permit (Form C)?

    What action would you take if you felt unsafe whilst you were working on or around OLE When should you invoke the Worksafe procedure?

Acknowledgement Slip

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