SAFETY ALERT HSB 685- WORKING ON OR ADJACENT TO DC CONDUCTOR RAIL PROHIBITION. SAFETY ALERT HSB 685- WORKING ON OR ADJACENT TO DC CONDUCTOR RAIL PROHIBITION. SAFETY ALERT HSB 685- WORKING ON OR ADJACENT TO DC CONDUCTOR RAIL PROHIBITION. Working on or adjacent to the DC Conductor Rail is prohibited unless there is an isolation of the DC Conductor Rail in place. No work is to take place near the DC Conductor Rail unless an isolation is in place. You are considered as working near the DC Conductor Rail If: it is likely that any person, tool, or any equipment will encroach within 300mm of a live DC Conductor Rail. This includes either side of the DC Conductor Rail or any space above or below. In the event of an isolation of the DC Conductor Rail being required to deal with an emergency situation, call the EMMIS Controller who will contact the relevant Electrical Control Room. This bulletin will remain in place until further notice and until such time that competence arrangements and instructions for working in DC Conductor Rail Areas have been reviewed. DISCUSSION POINTS Where would you need to include this in your worksite briefing? Have you checked the planned work to ensure a DC Conductor Rail isolation is not required? Go to top Go to top Acknowledgement Slip Date Date First Name * First Name Surname * Surname E Mail Address * Email Address Company Division * Company Division OHL Construction TeamIsolations TeamWelding TeamDe Vegetation TeamPlant & Transport TeamSupport Services Do You Have Any Questions? * YES NO You Indicated That You Have Questions, Please Let us Know What they Are * Acknowledgement * Acknowledgement I Have Read & Understood The BriefI Don't Understand The Brief & Require More Information You Indicated That You Did Not Understand The Briefing, Please Let Us Know Why So We Can Clarify It For You * Signature signature keyboard Clear If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit