SAFETY ALERT - Finger Injury during S&T work at OOC

    SAFETY ALERT – Finger Injury during S&T work at OOC

    On 24 Dec, at 04:01 an SMTH technician working on the cable disconnection tasks sustained an injury to his left middle finger while still wearing his cut level 5 gloves.

    Work involved removal of troughing lids on the Up Relief line cess. As the operative tried to free a cable from between two troughs they caught their finger, trapping it between two lids which both lacerated the finger and caused a break in the bone.

    Key Findings:

  • Inadequate understanding of the risk from adjusting troughing lids
  • His cut level 5 gloves were not impact resistant.
  • Operative failed to ask for help from other team members to manoeuvre the lids
  • Site conditions were hazardous with broken trough lids, slip trips & fall, uncovered troughs and others


Be certain you understand the risk and controls of your task as briefed from the TBS and always ask for help in Manual Handling

    All Workers

  • Understand your safety brief all times and never fail to ask your supervisor or PIC if you have doubt
  • Take 5 and follow Colas Rail’s’Work Safe Procedure’ when site conditions don’t seem safe as failure to do so could lead to unplanned events
  • Always ask a colleague for assistance if a load is too heavy for a 1-person lift / push / pull (manual handling)
  • Managers/Supervisors/PIC

  • Ensure adequate controls are in place for all risks captured during Prep4Safety
  • All workers must receive a task briefing before starting work that is clear, and workable
  • Operatives must be Manual Handling(MH) trained and receive demonstration of Kinectic lifting at the start of any MH task

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