SAFETY ADVICE - NRB21-02 CARNFORTH SMTH IRREGULARITY Electrification Construction Services Ltd Unit 9, Wheelock Heath Business Court Alsager Road Wheelock Cheshire CW11 4RQ SAFETY ADVICE - NRB21-02 CARNFORTH SMTH IRREGULARITY OVERVIEW On 23rd February 2021 an engineering assurance inspection discovered an uninsulated wire had been left in situ for 9 months following internal wire renewals conducted by Network Rail. It was found that wires were not appropriately recovered or sleeved following the work. It was also noted the signalling diagrams were missing from the location case 5/6A. The incident is subject to an investigation which will establish the sequence of events that led up to the unsafe condition and any underlying causes. The incident follows three similar signal testing irregularities in the last 18 months on the NW&C Region and follows a wider national trend. As a result, the following discussion points are recommended: DISCUSSION POINTS Never undertake any job unless you have been trained and assessed as competent. Are you and your team clear on the standards and policy regarding temporary and permanent wire disconnection? Have you got a clear testing plan that has beenchecked?, Do you have enough time to work correctly through the plan? Whenever making signalling disconnections the tester shall ensure that any bare conductors (e.g. relay spades, ring crimps, etc.) are suitably insulated, This shall be done in accordance with General Instructions to Staff Working on S&T Equipment (NR/L3/SIG/10064), E052. When undertaking maintenance remain vigilant and report any defects to your line manager. DOWNLOAD THE BULLETIN Acknowledgement Slip Date Date First Name * First Name Surname * Surname E Mail Address * Email Address Company Division * Company Division OHL Construction TeamIsolations TeamWelding TeamDe Vegetation TeamPlant & Transport TeamSupport Services Do You Have Any Questions? * YES NO You Indicated That You Have Questions, Please Let us Know What they Are * Acknowledgement * Acknowledgement I Have Read & Understood The BriefI Don't Understand The Brief & Require More Information You Indicated That You Did Not Understand The Briefing, Please Let Us Know Why So We Can Clarify It For You * Signature signature keyboard Clear Submit