Safety Advice NRA23-12 - Geismar/MAN 18T MEWP Stabiliser Leg Failure

    Safety Advice NRA23-12 – Geismar/MAN 18T MEWP Stabiliser Leg Failure


    In North West and Central, a Geismar 18T MEWP was found to have a stabiliser foot assembly that had become completely detached from the stabiliser leg.

    The stabiliser legs are used in conjunction with the crane and can also be used to increase the reach of the basket.

    Investigations are ongoing, but initial inspections have indicated that a combination of wear and corrosion have led to the single bolt connecting the foot assembly to the stabiliser leg failing.


  • All stabiliser legs and feet assemblies to be thoroughly inspected by a competent person.
  • Do not use the stabiliser legs on the Geismar 18T MEWPs until the inspection has been completed and any required remedial work has been carried out.

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