NUMERACY, LITERACY & PHONETIC TEST ASSESSMENT NUMERACY, LITERACY & PHONETIC TEST ASSESSMENT Please answer the following 18 questions. NUMERACY Tick the two sets of numbers that read the same * 554321 | 554321 7634874 | 7634484 9141 | 9141 200422 | 200422 9443006 | 9433006 26641 | 28941 LITERACY Choose The sentence with the Incorrect Spelling * Their are leaves on the trackThere are leaves on the track Choose The sentence with the Incorrect Spelling * The Train went through the tunnelThe Train went threw the tunnel Choose The sentence with the Incorrect Spelling * There are two line speeds at the stationThere are too line speeds at the station Choose The sentence with the Incorrect Spelling * Our COSS is in control of site safetyAre COSS is in control of site safety Choose The Correct Spelling - TRAFFIK | TRAFFIC * TraffikTraffic Choose The Correct Spelling - PHOTOGRAPH | FOTOGRAPH * PhotographFotograph Choose The Correct Spelling - TELEPHONE | TELEFONE * TelefoneTelephone Choose The Correct Spelling - TRANE | TRAIN * TraneTrain PHONETIC TESTING Example - "Bob" Please spell your christian name phonetically in the box below * Applicant Name * Applicant Name First First Last Last Email Date Signature signature keyboard Clear If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit