FLT028 – Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Found On Track
FLT028 – Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Found On Track


    During a night shift site walkout at Earlestown, Newton Le Willows, an Improvised Explosive Device (a homemade bomb (IED)) was seen in the 4 foot by the site team.

    When moving away to a point of safety, a second similar IED was found in the 6 foot, 20metres away. Staff evacuated the immediate area and made an emergency call to VRCC who called 999.

    The COSS informed the Engineering Supervisor of the situation and then assisted with the Safe System of Work set up for the Rail Incident Officer (RIO), British Transport Police (BTP) and Army Bomb Squad to assess the site.

    It was deemed to be a failed attempt and no danger was present to staff or surrounding homes.

    The Army Bomb Squad began removing the IEDs and confirmed the material inside appeared to be flammable, with evidence of spirits and debris.

    The IEDs were removed to a designated safe site.


  • Be vigilant and check your working area before starting activities
  • If a suspect device is seen, do not touch or attempt to move the device
  • Do not use any radio devices or mobile phones within 15 metres of the item and place yourself out of line of site before making any telephone or radio calls
  • Stay calm and clear the area immediately whilst remaining vigilant that other devices may be present
  • Alert others in the working area / group and ensure everyone stays away from the device
  • The work group should proceed to a safe location, away from the device(s)
  • Call 999 giving the location and a description of the device, follow any instructions received
  • Where there is immediate risk to the operational railway, contact the Signaller
  • Report the situation to VRCC by telephone and ensure the VolkerRail Single Point of Contact remains in regular communication with VRCC
  • Ensure Task Briefs and Local Emergency Plans include the contact emergency contact details and the site access/egress arrangements, including What3Words, for attendance of the emergency services
  • Ensure emergency arrangements are clearly communicated and understood through the site induction, and briefing process
  • Remain vigilant, if something doesn’t look right, it usually isn’t.
  • Remember – In an emergency call: 999

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