Environment Bulletin ENV23-01 – Environment and Sustainability Concerns
Network Rail has environmental and sustainability obligations in over 200 pieces of UK legislation. It also has many strategic goals that go beyond basic compliance.
The means by which it complies with these obligations are bound in standards, processes, guidance, and other controls.
Reporting issues related to health and safety concerns is a well-established process across Network Rail and its supply chain-but what about environment and sustainability concerns?
They share many of the same processes and systems for reporting.
Activities or events that impact Network Rail’s legal obligations or strategic goals as regards environment and sustainability are a concern for the business.
Some environment and sustainability concerns may be familiar to you, whilst others you may not have thought about reporting before:
- poor air quality at your work site;
- waste management behaviour and facilities e.g. lack/misuse of recycling facilities;
- concerns about noise levels;
- concerns about inclusivity in a team;
- absence of/ incomplete mandatory environment and sustainability PACE products for a major project;
- damage/destruction of habitat of a protected species;
- poor material management e.g. storing of hazardous material inappropriately.
Your supervisor or your line manager should listen to all and any concerns you may have.
If your concerns are about environmental and sustainability management on a site, your Environment and Sustainability team should be made aware.
As with safety close calls & incidents, environmental incidents are raised in the same manner.
More information on this can be found on Safety Central in the Environmental Close Call and Incident Guidance Note.[CW1]
If you believe your concerns are not being actioned, or you are not receiving feedback about concerns you have raised, you can confidentially use Speak Out.
Alternatively, you can report your environmental or sustainability concern to CIRAS – an independent confidential reporting services covering the whole rail sector.