Colas Rail Safety Alert - RRV Colliding with a welders grinder

    Colas Rail Safety Alert – RRV Colliding with a welders grinder


    On 24/04/2022 during the Crystal Palace SRSA renewal works, a tracked RRV machine came into contact with a welders grinding machine while the machine was installing Con-rail.

    The grinder was located in the CESS but not stored at a sufficiently safe distance from the line when not being used.

    When the Crane Controller passed the grinder he misjudged the distance the RRV needed to pass the machine and the tracked wheels caught the arm of the grinder, causing damage to the grinder.

    The Crane Controller and Operator stated the Trailer seemed to be positioned an adequate safe distance from the line.



  • Never assume
  • When not using plant, tools or materials during works make sure they are positioned in a place of safety – clear of walking routes, lines and access points
  • If something looks unsafe speak to your Supervisor
  • Raise a close call
  • Managers / Supervisors:

  • Please speak to your Operatives and if required, highlight a minimum distance on our Engineering sites that plant and materials should be placed when not in use
  • Remind all prior to any train movements confirm route is safe and clear from plant, materials and most all people.
  • Log a safety conversation

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